The Family
Jane Dodd
15 Oct – 09 Nov 2019
In recent years Jane Dodd’s jewellery practice has pivoted around the portrayal of animals. With a subtext of human impact and interaction she has explored issues of extinction and infestation, cruelty and conflict.
In the new works that form The Family she asserts the place of the human species WITHIN the animal world; in the taxonomic Order of Primates and now, in this latest event, the class of Mammals. Character and narrative are given to humans, pre-human hominids, fellow simians and our wider mammalian cousins alike.
Dodd is as charmed and influenced by the exuberant genius of historic European craftspeople as she is nauseated by the plunder of the natural world that enabled and sanctioned their art. Channelling these contradictory emotions, and with her compulsion for crafting, her love of materials and her cynical attitude to man’s authority, she creates works of tension, humour and intrigue.
In The Family the phylogenetic tree, taxonomic order and familial biological connections are viewed through the nutty world of Jane Dodd jewellery. It’s not pure science by any means, but Dodd-science, where license is taken, comedy is king and story-telling trumps fact.