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Can you pick me up
Installation view
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Georgina May Young
Can you pick me up
Untitled 1
Handwoven linen, coloured with herewhenua from Ōwhina, cotton thread
630 x 235mm
$6000 | ENQUIRE
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Can you pick me up
Installation view
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Can you pick me up
Installation view
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Kate Fitzharris
Can you pick me up
Smokey eyed bottle
390 x 170mm
$2000 | ENQUIRE
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Bekah Carran
Can you pick me up
Copper/silver 5%, copper rod, glass enamel, wax
430 x 80 x 80mm
$1800 | ENQUIRE
7 / 19
Bekah Carran
Can you pick me up
Copper pipe, copper/silver 5%, wax
360 x 180 x 95mm
$1800 | ENQUIRE
8 / 19
Can you pick me up
Installation view
9 / 19
Can you pick me up
Installation view
10 / 19
Bekah Carran
Can you pick me up
Plate 1
Copper, copper/silver 5%, found earrings, wax
255 x 255 x 20mm
$1800 | ENQUIRE
11 / 19
Can you pick me up
Installation view
12 / 19
Georgina May Young
Can you pick me up
Untitled 3
Handwoven linen, coloured with lichen, woad, madder, privet berries, seaweed, cotton thread
615 x 428mm
$6000 | ENQUIRE
13 / 19
Georgina May Young
Can you pick me up
Handwoven walnut, iron, madder, woad, tanehaka, cotton thread
615 x 428mm
$6000 | ENQUIRE
14 / 19
Can you pick me up
Installation view
15 / 19
Bekah Carran
Can you pick me up
Plate 2
Copper, copper/silver 5%, found earrings, wax
155 x 155 x 20mm
$1600 | ENQUIRE
16 / 19
Bekah Carran
Can you pick me up
Copper, copper/silver 5%
220 x 190 x 100mm
$2200 | ENQUIRE
17 / 19
Bekah Carran
Can you pick me up
Copper/silver 5%, pipe, wax
140 x 110 x 195mm
$2200 | ENQUIRE
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Can you pick me up
Installation view
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Can you pick me up
Installation view
Can you pick me up
Georgina May Young, Kate Fitzharris, Bekah Carran
08 Mar – 13 Apr 2024
Georgina May Young (Te Ūpokorehe, Whakatōhea, Pākehā), Kate Fitzharris (Pākehā) and Bekah Carran (Te Ātiawa, Pākehā) pool their resources and draw us in to a current of community, collaboration, and connection. The three artists, living and working out of Ōtepoti, each consider relationships, to their mediums, to each other, and to the world around us.
The deceptively serene exhibition reveals metamorphosis on both a grand and minute scale. Pieces acknowledge and celebrate their respective materials (metal, textile, and ceramic) as transformative tricksters – not static, but cyclic and dynamic. From finite stores of earth-bound metals, clay worn down from giant mountains, or fibres coloured and interwoven, our artists create something new, yet inextricably tied to ancient processes and practices. ‘Novice’ pots, tiny crucibles in which to test reaction and response, offer further clues into the changeful and temporal journey of these pieces.
Works highlight a conscientious foraging of forms and materials, reimagining found objects alongside our natural and domestic landscapes. The cotton threads of Georgina May Young’s embroideries, dyed with wild pigments – herewhenua, woad, seaweed, madder – show a profusion of lichen-like filaments on the reverse. Kate Fitzharris’ ceramic ‘bottle’ bodies take their ease, arms akimbo or resting contentedly atop their bellies, recalling spouts and tiny handles, the vestigial structures of large stoneware crocks. Shell, stone, and plastic gems are revisioned as strange and elemental by Bekah Carran in copper and silver.
Can you pick me up poses a catchment of treasures and phrases repeated, of everyday care and emotion, engagement and egress, likening this ebb and flow to the cumulation of aggregate in tidal pools. The artists humbly insist upon the very organic emergence of this collaboration, even as works evidence long hours of labour and loving care. It is little wonder that the creation of life from clay story appears so widely throughout world mythologies, when mothers and makers make such magic from earthly materials. There is something divine, and essentially human, in spending time together “with friends and whānau, out in the world, gathering materials, and being there to pick each other up”.
Tessa McPhee
> View CAN YOU PICK ME UP – Catalogue